A great tool for screenshot testing of iOS and iPadOS apps.

SUITCase MacbookSUITCase IPadSUITCase IPhone
SUITCase MacbookSUITCase IPadSUITCase IPhone
SUITCase MacbookSUITCase IPadSUITCase IPhone

UI tests with XCTest

You can easily configure SUITCase behaviours, and extend it as you like. The source code is available on GitHub!

Recording Screenshots

SUITCase automatically downscales reference screenshots and reuses them across devices. Also, SUITCase collects unexpected and suggested screenshots to save your time.

Multiple comparison methods

SUITCase includes five different comparison methods. You can either compare precisely pixels, or allowing minor color changes. Need more stability? There are less strict methods as well.


5 comparsion methods

SUITCase includes five different comparison methods. Each method will attach the collected image, difference value, and current threshold. If difference is greater than zero, the reference and difference images will be attached as well.


Your app reuses images and layout across devices, so your tests should reuse reference screenshots as well. SUITCase downscales screenshots to match the logical resolution. This approach significantly saves storage space.

iPhone 11 Pro Max screen


414 × 896 (scaled)

iPhone 11 screen


414 × 896 (scaled)

XCUIElement Support

You can verify screenshots of specific elements. The reference image will be cropped by this element frame. You can also erase dynamic elements. The erased elements are transparent on the reference images, and SUITCase compares only opaque pixels.

Phone screen of settingsPhone screen of settingsPhone screen of settings